Our practice philosophy, and concept of patient care follows the Golden Rule Plus One. We believe that one should "do unto others as we would like to be treated." However, there is another golden rule, and we call it the golden rule plus one. This means: "Do unto others as they would like to be treated."
All of our patients are individual and unique. God made 500 million different people and no two are exactly the same. Each of our patients are unique and we style our care for patients how they want to be treated, not how we would want to be treated.
This concept is particularly true for beauty. Margaret Hupperfield, a 17th century artist said: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." This is another example of the uniqueness in our patients. Some patients chose to have space between their front teeth, and others chose to have spaces closed. Most often a patient will want a space between the two upper front teeth closed. This is an example of "Beauty being in the eye of the beholder." Another difference between patients relates to their physical health. One or other patients need medications before dental treatment, and some need shots of antibiotics prior to dental care. This is an example of a specific need that a unique patient needs, and other patients do not need. Some patients have anxiety and fear of dental treatment. For these unique patients, we provide anti-anxiety medications for their comfort in dental treatment.